What is Canteen?

Canteen is a software tool that enables organizing and planning meals within the restaurant for employees, as well as statistical reports for easier calculation of costs in the restaurant and less loss, i.e. reduction of unused food. Besides planning and organization of meals by the administrator, also allows individual selection and planning of meals by the users of the restaurant.Users of the system can make their choice via the web portal with authentication through Active Directory or through authentication with card reader. The design of the web portal suits all types of resolutions and enables the use of the same through mobile devices.


Manage menus

The possibility of creating several types of menus and simply managing them to satisfy the different user wishes and needs during the daily realization of meals in the restaurant.

Meal planning

Possibility to create a daily offer of meals for a certain period in order for users to plan and choose their meals in a timely manner.

Individual user choice

Satisfying the personal affinities and needs of employees by giving them the opportunity to choose from a range of meals.


Storage and organization of data when organizing meals in a single system.

Reduction of time when creating and scheduling meals for the upcoming period. Reduction of costs for the implementation of meals through the possibility of simple planning of the same as well as analyzing various types of statistical reports on planned meals versus realized, organized by cost centers/sectors, periods, etc.

Reducing unrealized meals and minimizing the loss of unused food. Information available at any time.